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Victor Muller

Victor Muller


Victor Muller was born in Den Helder, The Netherlands in 1976. He studied at the

Graphic Lyceum in Rotterdam and the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. He

received a BFA from the Willem de Kooning Academy in 2001. Muller lives and works in

Utrecht, The Netherlands.

‘In 2001 Victor successfully completed his studies at the Willem de Kooning Academy in

Rotterdam. After four years of experimenting he knew what he had to do. His fascination

for the works of especially the old masters he studied regularly at the Boymans van

Beuningen pointed him in the right direction. The manual for classical painting by Max

Doerner enabled him to express in full what occupied his mind. And that is no more or

less than capturing eternity in a single moment. You might say the eternal moment. The

creation of the timelessness in a world of harmony and stillness.’

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